Scratch Lab #7

Problem #1 - Distance Formula with Blocks

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Problem #2 - Feet to Miles or Inches

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Problem #3 - Future Value

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Questions and Answers:

  1. Using blocks for code repitition allows you to put all the complex code into one operation and instead of repeating all the code everytime you need it, you can just put in the block which will function as all that code.
  2. Parameters are the values that are put into the blocks.
  3. The distance formula requires parameters to be put in as the values of the two points.
  4. No parameters are needed when there is no values needed that can vary and depend based on the situation, no parameters are needed to carryout basic functions such as moving around the screen or changing costumes.
  5. The alpha order block will order a certain amount of names in order. The block will continue to try to carry this out until the variable "task_complete" is true and therefore in order and done. The block will repeat a serious of blocks whose names clearly indicate their function. First it will recieve the name then it will insert it into the order then based on the regulations of the order it will reorder and continue to recieve names.
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